Wednesday, September 25, 2013

777 Medical Test Marionette

Theatrical caged doll
Made of paper mâché
Stain glass marionette
Fragile skin docked strings 
Serpents of contempt
At vein play

Second hand medical 
Wings adorn her back 
Black patchwork mended
Surgical pinned on staples 
She's now flightless 
Even in dreams

Hospital fate enclosure 
Amphitheatre of doubt
Vein I.V drip marionette 
Frail porcelain blue doll
Tests chart white stage
Echo of ghosts at play

Second hand medical
Treatment of an angel
Broken transparent wings
Onyx mother's spell mended 
Disabled in disbelief of suffering
Child hooked to ten machines 
Wrestling to be free
In flightless dreams